13. Shape Basics - Simplifying Reality with CSI Lines

In this lesson, we will be drawing animals, using three kinds of lines: C curves, S curves and straight I lines. With these three simple lines, we will begin simplifying the shapes of our subject.

What's the Difference in Drawing with Straight Lines Versus Adding Curves?

Straight lines are generally easier to draw with accuracy, so that they're helpful in finding and defining the structure and proportions of your subject. Curved lines are generally more expressive, and suggest motion - they're more impressionist. When you combine straight and curved lines, you balance these two approaches.

LEVEL 1 ASSIGNMENT - Drawing a Turtle/Snail/Boots

THE SET UP: pencil and paper

With this drawing, you want to simplify the subject into C, S or I lines. It's open to interpretation, so there's no one way to draw it, you choose where to use these different lines. No shading is necessary here.

LEVEL 2 ASSIGNMENT - Drawing a Skull/Camel/Elephant/Rhinoceros/Dragon

THE SET UP: pencil and paper
