Digital Photo Editing - Your own Digital Dark Room

This series of lessons will teach you how to digitally edit your photos, using basic functions on several programs. Many of these programs have other capabilities beyond photo editing, but I won't focus on that here. Expect separate courses for digital painting to be added later.

There are a couple different approaches to photo editing. One is the creative approach, using your photos as a base for more creative, artistic work, that involves heavily altering, combining, collaging and painting over your photos. This is the kind of work that Photoshop is made for. Then, there is the approach of simply enhancing a photo, retouching it to make it either prettier or more realistic - more like the original scene. This is what Lightroom is really good at, and this approach is popular with commercial photography and photojournalism, where the image is expected to be honest.


1. Introduction to Photoshop, Strengths and Weaknesses.

2. Organizing & Opening Your Folders

3. Basic Photoshop Tools

4. Image Correction

5. Image Enhancement

6. Layers

7. Text Options

8. Dual Lighting Techniques

9. Double Exposure Techniques

10. Filters

11. Blur Techniques


1. Introduction to Lightroom, Strengths and Weaknesses

2. Lightroom and File Formats, Pros & Cons

3. Lightroom Layout 1: Adding Photos & Albums

4. Lightroom Layout 2: Info & Keywords

5. Lightroom Layout 3: Book

6. Lightroom Layout 4: Slideshow

7. Lightroom Layout 5: Print

8. Lightroom Layout 6: Develop (basic tools)

9, Lightroom Masking Tools

10. Syncing Photo Edits

Dark Table

1. Introduction to Dark Table, Strengths & Weaknesses
