22. How to Take Photos 17: Abstractions
There are many ways to make an image abstracted from reality - to remove it by degrees from realism. There are levels of abstraction, and it's often a joy to see an image as both a real place or thing, and a conglomeration of shapes, lines and effects. In photography there are many ways to achieve this, and it occurs to me, this one lesson will likely be expanded into several. For now, I will make a simple list of various ways and forms of abstraction, and leave it to my future self to expand on it:
1. You can take such an extreme close up that an object becomes obscure and mysterious, a random combination of color and texture.
2. You can do the opposite, taking an aerial photo of such a strange place that no one can place it.
3. You can play with slow shutter speeds, in combination with filters to make the mundane seem alien and full of drama.
4. Simply taking a black & white photo adds a level of abstraction. We may not realize it when we view the photo, but imagine walking around in a world that's black and white? It would be surreal.
5. You can print the negative of a photo.
6. You can solarize a photo in a darkroom, making Sabatier photos.
7. You can create photo collages, both digitally and from darkroom prints
8. You can create abstract photograms - the possibilities are endless.
9. You can dabble in scanography.
10. You can create multiple exposures, both digitally and in a darkroom.
11. You can manipulate images digitally through filters, gradients, and other tools.
12. You can create custom filters over your camera lens to make exciting and abstract bokeh forms.
13. Or, as seen below, you can just photograph what you see, and the abstract pattern jumps out at you before you even recognize what you're seeing:
How to create Custom Bokeh
Draw a circle on black construction paper, equal to the size of your lens.
Add 3-4 rectangles that attach to this circle with tabs on the end. In the
center of the circle, cut out a small design – about 1cm square. You can make
any design – an 1/8th note, a cat’s paw, an eye, diamond, heart,
etc. Place the filter over the lens and put a rubber band on it to hold it in
place. It helps if you use a lens at 50mm or above, the largest aperture
possible (smallest f stop), you get
close to your subject, place your
subject far from the background, have lots of little lights far in the
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